1 package jsdsi.ldap;
3 import com.novell.ldap.*;
5 /***
6 * LDAP composed operations used by jsdsi.ldap.LDAPOperations
7 *
8 * @see jsdsi.ldap.LDAPOperations
9 *
10 * @author Lu�s Pedro
11 * @version $Revison: 1.3 $Date: 21/Mar/2004 15:11:05
12 *
13 **/
15 class LDAPOp extends LDAPAttributes {
16 /***
17 * LDAP Schema
18 */
19 private LDAPSchema dirSchema;
21 /***
22 * LDAP Connection
23 */
24 private LDAPConnection lc;
26 /***
27 * LDAP Parameters
28 */
29 private LDAPParameters params;
31 /***
32 * Create a new instance of LDAPOp
33 *
34 * @param params ldap parameters
35 */
36 LDAPOp(LDAPParameters params) {
37 lc = new LDAPConnection();
38 this.params = params;
39 }
41 /***
42 * Ldap connection
43 *
44 * @throws LDAPException
45 */
46 void LDAPConnection() throws LDAPException {
47 lc.connect(params.getLDAPserver(), params.getLDAPport());
48 }
50 /***
51 * Ldap connection using user name and password
52 *
53 * @throws LDAPException
54 */
55 void LDAPBindConnection() throws LDAPException {
56 lc.connect(params.getLDAPserver(), params.getLDAPport());
57 lc.bind(LDAPConnection.LDAP_V3,
58 params.getLDAPlogin(), (params.getLDAPpassword()).getBytes());
59 }
61 /***
62 * Ldap disconnection
63 *
64 * @throws LDAPException
65 */
66 void LDAPDisconnection() throws LDAPException {
67 lc.disconnect();
68 }
70 /***
71 * Ldap delete
72 *
73 * @param composedAttribute composed attribute to delete
74 * @throws LDAPException
75 */
76 void LDAPDelete(String composedAttribute) throws LDAPException{
77 lc.delete(composedAttribute + params.getLDAPbaseDN());
78 }
80 /***
81 * Adds elements to the ldap server
82 *
83 * @param composedAttribute composed attribute that identifies the element
84 * @param attributeSet set of attributes to store
85 * @throws LDAPException
86 */
87 void LDAPStore(String composedAttribute,
88 LDAPAttributeSet attributeSet) throws LDAPException {
89 LDAPEntry newEntry = new LDAPEntry(composedAttribute + params.getLDAPbaseDN(), attributeSet);
90 lc.add(newEntry);
91 }
93 /***
94 * Make ldap searchs with a specified ldap schema composed attribute
95 *
96 * @param filter ldap search filter
97 * @param composedAttribute ldap schema composed attribute
98 * @param searchScope search scope - BASE, SUB, ONE
99 * @param attributes attribute values to return
100 * @return result of search operation over the ldap server
101 * @throws LDAPException
102 */
103 LDAPSearchResults LDAPSearch(String filter,
104 String composedAttribute,
105 int searchScope,
106 String[] attributes) throws LDAPException {
107 LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
108 dirSchema = lc.fetchSchema(lc.getSchemaDN());
109 if(composedAttribute != null) {
110 searchResults = lc.search(composedAttribute + params.getLDAPbaseDN(),
111 searchScope, filter,
112 attributes, false);
113 } else
114 searchResults = lc.search(params.getLDAPbaseDN(),
115 searchScope, filter, attributes, false);
117 return searchResults;
118 }
120 /***
121 * Make generic ldap searchs
122 *
123 * @param filter ldap search filter
124 * @param searchScope search scope - BASE, SUB, ONE
125 * @param attributes attribute values to return
126 * @return result of search operation over the ldap server
127 * @throws LDAPException
128 */
129 LDAPSearchResults LDAPSearch(String filter,
130 int searchScope,
131 String[] attributes) throws LDAPException {
132 return LDAPSearch(filter, null, searchScope, attributes);
133 }
135 /***
136 * Ldap parameters used to perform operations
137 *
138 * @return ldap parameters
139 */
140 public LDAPParameters getParameters() {
141 return params;
142 }
143 }
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